SafePath Project Launched – Monitoraggio e sicurezza avanzata per la gestione ottimizzata della Supply Chain

SafePath – Monitoraggio e sicurezza avanzata per la gestione ottimizzata della Supply Chain, is an innovative solution designed to improve traceability and security in the logistics of valuable goods. Financed within European Union – Next Generation EU, SafePath integrates IoT, artificial intelligence and blockchain technologies to monitor shipments in real time, ensuring maximum protection and transparency…


EUREKA SYSTEM and ELIF LAB’s TALOS project awarded in the 2nd Horizon Europe EARASHI open call

The TALOS project, presented by Eureka System and Elif Lab, has been awarded in the Horizon Europe EARASHI 2nd Open Call. TALOS, an acronym for Transformable Adaptive Lines Optimised System, is a project that will transform the European manufacturing sector by exploiting a combination of Autonomously Guided Mobile Robots (AMR) and Artificial Intelligence. TALOS is…

RAISE chooses BK, Kode and Elif Lab to realize the project “Anchemé: technologie for an inclusive smart city”

To answer to the Spoke 1 subject of the PNRR, RAISE commissions a team of experts to design a solution based on augmented reality, virtual reality and artificial intelligence develop integration and inclusion in our cities. BK, Kode Cagliari and Elif Lab together kick off the research and development project “Anchemé”, funded on the cascading calls of…

The mandrIAno project selected in the CHAMELEON open call #1

mandrIAno, our project combining drones and artificial intelligence for livestock monitoring, has been selected in the Horizon Europe CHAMELEON first open call (Grant Agreement No. 101060529). The mandrIAno (Artificial Intelligence-empowered stockman) project will adopt a semantic computer vision system that, starting from the videos collected using a drone, is able to produce a report in…


NormativAI, a collaboration between Terna SpA and Elif Lab as part of the Open Italy programme

 The “NormativAI” project, a collaboration between Terna and Elif Lab as part of ELIS Innovation Hub‘s Open Italy programme, has been successfully concluded. Using artificial intelligence and natural language processing algorithms, the experimental solution developed by Elif Lab is able to analyse the texts of Terna procedures by identifying the individual normative references cited, of…

Elif Lab among the 10 finalists of BonsApps: artificial intelligence applied to robotics

Our AWoid project, dedicated to collision avoidance in robotics, has been selected to proceed to the second stage of BonsApps. AWoid is among the 10 artificial intelligence solutions selected across Europe and supported within the Horizon2020 BonsApps project (Grant agreement n. 101015848).       It is a solution developed by Elif Lab for robotics,…

Elif Lab in the development team of SGIA – Smart Grids Innovation Accelerator

Elif Lab is in the development team of SGIA – Smart Grids Innovation Accelerator, the platform developed by RSE – Ricerca sul Sistema Energetico within the framework of Mission Innovation, an international initiative aimed at accelerating innovation in clean energy. Also thanks to the Natural Language Processing and semantic analysis technologies developed by Elif Lab,…

Elif Lab with 99eLode

Paola Bonesu, co-founder of Elif Lab, in collaboration with SheTech, is the data analytics teacher for 99eLode, the training and guidance project on the most requested digital skills organized by Fastweb Digital Academy, Cariplo Factory and Io Donna. 99eLode involves 99 selected graduates giving them access to the campus held in January 2020 in the…