Use case
Computer vision and semantics for 3D object reconstruction (Freu3D)
Implemented algorithms
Recognition and positioning
Proprietary algorithm for recognising the object in the image and its positioning
Proprietary algorithm for generating semantic attributes to be associated with the object identified in the image
3D Object Association
Proprietary algorithm for associating the object identified in the photograph with a corresponding 3D object through the use of semantic and positioning information
Photographs of objects of daily use
Implemented interfaces
- Web interface for visualising the associations and reconstructions proposed by the algorithm
- Web interface for exploring the generated 3D model and for acquiring individual navigation frames of the displayed model
Our Freu3d project is among the 18 projects selected in the European call for eXtended Reality technologies organised by XR4ALL, an initiative funded under the European Union’s Horizon 2020 research and innovation programme (Grant Agreement n. 825545).