SafePath – Monitoraggio e sicurezza avanzata per la gestione ottimizzata della Supply Chain, is an innovative solution designed to improve traceability and security in the logistics of valuable goods.
Financed within European Union – Next Generation EU, SafePath integrates IoT, artificial intelligence and blockchain technologies to monitor shipments in real time, ensuring maximum protection and transparency along the supply chain.
As part of the SafePath project, Elif Lab will design and implement a predictive anti-hijacking algorithm, which processes data from IoT sensors to signal the probability of unexpected events.
Project partners: Utilplastic, NGS, Kode (project leader)
SafePath was selected within BANDO PER PROGETTI DI RICERCA INDUSTRIALE E SVILUPPO SPERIMENTALE IN TEMA DI TECNOLOGIE ABILITANTI 4.0 PER LA SICUREZZA DELLE INFRASTRUTTURE CRITICHE organised by Start4.0, Missione 4 del PNRR, – Missione 4 Componente 2 (M4C2) – Investimento 2.3 – “Potenziamento ed estensione tematica e territoriale dei centri di trasferimento tecnologico
per segmenti di industria”.